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Integration Tools

In our community, we put strong emphasis on the importance of integration. Integration is gathering the tools and lessons from your experience, recalling them and applying them to your everyday life. The collective intention for these gatherings is to expand our awareness and embody our most authentic selves, so we may do our work on this planet. Developing a daily practice, a daily reminder, a daily ritual for yourself is intrinsic to your healing path. It's important that you choose methods that work best for you, practices that are sustainable and meaningful to you. These practices may change over time as you grow and change, but the key is commitment to yourself and your growth.  

Attending a yoga class, soundbath, concert, going on vacation, thrill riding, playing a sports game or music concert, participating in a shamanic ceremony or spending two weeks in the jungle can all be transformational, enlightening experiences.  However, the human system is forgetful and without regularly moving the body, recalling in the physical form and maintaining flexibility, without reflection, gratitude and meditation on what you have learned, without regular practice on the field, or in the studio or in the mind, none of these experiences will survive in your being, your body, your mind or in the present moment that is your life.  While experiential healing can be the beginning of a new life, a new you for the ages, we can not emphasize enough the importance of dedicating yourself to a practice and a practice to yourself.  


We are blessed to be in a community of expanding souls who are fueled by supporting one another, reminding one another, encouraging and lifting one another.   We encourage our gatherers to connect with each other and make friends in this high vibrational community- surround yourself with individuals who are working to lift themselves, aid others and improve their environment.  Many of the individuals in the spiritual community are healers or guides themselves and may offer modalities that may interest you.  This is a wonderful place to share or discover your gifts- you may surprise yourself! 


We will add you to our Sacred Gatherings Facebook group following your first gathering so you may ask questions, maintain support, or give offerings and insight to the community. 

Here we offer various integration tools to aid you on your adventure, whichever path you may be dancing on. Blessings on your journey! 


We have created a Sacred Gatherings Spotify Playlist with meditation, mantra and medicine music to aid you in your integration. The Playlist includes some of our favorite artists (some of who are part of this community!) teachers and songs we've heard and played in ceremony.  Sacred Gatherings Playlist


The Kundalini Connection with Malia 'Lia Light'


Agape Spiritual Center

Ecstatic Dance LA


Psychedelic Integration Handbook - Ph.D. Ryan Westrum & Jay Dufrechou

How To Change Your Mind - Michael Pollan

The Power Of Now - Eckhart Tolle 

How We Change - Ross Ellenhorn

The Immortality Key - Brian Mururesku

Entangled Life - Merlin Shelldrake

The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz

Food of the Gods - Terrence McKenna

The War of Art - Steven Pressfield


Fantastic Fungi

How To Change Your Mind


The Reality of Truth

DMT: The Spirit Molecule 




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